Friday, June 01, 2007

June Monthly Theme: View From Your Bedroom

The gulmohar tree is the best view outside my bedroom balcony now. An educational institution is coming up right opposite my place. You can see Millennium Towers on the right side. The mountains will have lots of greenery and small streams of water(looking like tiny waterfalls) flowing down in the monsoon. Unfortunately, the mountains will soon give way for more construction.

There are currently 87 city daily photo bloggers are participating today in this theme day, so if you want to see what they all see from their bedroom, just click on any of the links below.
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  1. even you don't like the future view, maybe you'll have a more vivid neighboorhood... I mean, more people around you...

  2. Those trees are really beautiful. What do you mean when you say the mountains will soon give way for more construction?

  3. belles vues. j'aime bien la partie avec les fleurs

    beautiful sights. I like the part with the flowers

  4. This is an interesting view. It would be different for me but is what you see.

    Wouldn't it be different if you woke up in my house and looked out the bedroom window? My site shows what you would see.

    Abraham Lincoln
    Brookville Daily Photo
    My Photography

  5. Wow, you are watching your city's expansion and development in progress. Pity about the mountains soon to disappear...

  6. Looks like it is a booming place with so much construction.

    Happy Theme Day!

  7. This is very interesting, I like your collage very much. The land looks very dry, I suppose it changes a lot during the wet season?

  8. Wow, it looks like there is a lot of construction underway in the area you live!

  9. Yes Nathalie, I'll show you green mountains and waterfalls in the next couple of weeks as the monsoon begins in Mumbai.

  10. I'm not familiar with the gulmohar tree, but they look lovely!
    Hope you'll still have some mountain views left...

  11. Great view -- never been to Mumbai. The mountains are beautiful.

  12. Very interesting collage! These red trees are amazing.

  13. Those are just beautiful trees. A pity about the construction - it's called progress!- and it's what happens. Love the collage.

  14. The gulmohar tree is very nice. And the construction of an educational institution is admirable ... A follow-up photo in the monsoon would be interesting.

  15. Thanks for the different views. You should be able to get some nice sunset views. Right?

  16. Thanks for coming and lookign throuigh my window in Sydney!

  17. Great photo collage of the area around your building. Too bad that the mountains and trees may be sacrificed for "progress".

  18. Thank you for sharing your view. I have enjoyed visiting and seeing all of the different views we see from our bedroom windows.

  19. Really it looks very beautiful .....from you bedroom...Ohh very nice blog


Dear Mumbai Virtual Tourists,

Thank you for your valuable views.
Your criticism, appreciation and suggestions are welcome to an amateur photographer who loves her city. MDS is now active as a daily photoblog.